Our most popular anodizing products are listed below under each category tab.
Etch AdditiveND - High sequestering additive for caustic etch tanks to eliminate sludging in etch tanks.
Etch AdditiveLD - A long life etch additive for reduced spangling & very low gloss
Etch Powder - Complete caustic etch with the correct additive ratio for a low gloss etch chemistry with no tank sludge.
Deox. Liq. - Fully blended deoxidizer/desmut particularly good for job shop anodizers.
Deox Additive - Highly concentrated additive used with sulfuric acid or nitric acid to provide an economical alternative to a fully blended product.
Deox. Powder - Fully blended peroxide based deox and demut chemistry to remove etch residue and surface oxides. Particularly effective for 7000 series.